Finally finished

I think most quilters have a pile of unfinished projects, unfinished for one reason or another.  This one was in my collection.  I finished the top back in 1999 – that’s a long time ago.  It started as a block of the month project to learn how to do needle turn applique.  Some of the blocks were made with freezer paper templates but many were simply basted down and turned under with the needle.  Before it was quilted one could see my applique stitches and it was pretty easy to pick out the very first block with it’s larger stitches and awkward curves.  I quickly improved and the subsequent blocks have smaller stitches and smooth curves.  The border corner blocks were adapted from four of the center designs which are all part of the “Through Grandmother’s Window” series published by Piece O’ Cake Designs.

The completed top, including the picket fence border languished all these years because I thought, with all the handwork, it should be hand quilted.  I didn’t want to do it myself, nor did I have a good source to have it done.  Add to that the expense – it is double bed size – and there it sat… all these years.  I finally decided to just have it machine quilted and be done.  All that work shouldn’t be sitting in a pile of unfinished projects!  So I contacted long-arm quilter Janet Block of Stone House Quilting in Rutland, VT and got into her queue.  She finished it in January.  I have plans to hang it in several shows and then to use it on a guest room bed upstairs.

7 Responses to “Finally finished”

  1. 1 Stephanie February 10, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    Oh, my – that is (of course) spectacular! It inspires me to finish a couple of my UFO’s – :). I’m honored to have some of your applique right here in my house! Love to you and Roger!

  2. 2 Patricia Jane February 10, 2012 at 9:39 pm

    Absolutely beautiful! So glad you finished it. It certainly deserves to be loved. And by the way, how did you know I have a pile of UFOs? Oh, you were just guessing? Well….. right on!!! You will truly enjoy having this done and it looks like a prize winner to me!

  3. 3 sue February 11, 2012 at 6:24 am

    I zoomed in on it looking for the early blocks……didn’t find those because the imperfections are only in your mind’s eye !….but did enjoy all those fabrics you chose….I still have a couple of those large quilts floating around and the thing that amazes me is that I did really good hand quilting and appliqué and that I had the TIME and enthusiasm to do it….all the while I was working and raising 3 boys….ahhh youth !!
    Your beautiful work will surely bring home the blue ribbons. Sue

  4. 4 Norma February 11, 2012 at 7:59 am

    It is stunning! Consider sending it to the Northern Star Guild’s show. As Sue said, it’s sure to be a winner.

  5. 5 paula February 11, 2012 at 10:15 am

    its beautiful! and congrats on pushing thru and getting it done, you are right, it deserves to be seen not in a pile 🙂

  6. 6 Lynne February 11, 2012 at 9:40 pm

    Thanks for all the nice comments everyone. Norma, I was thinking it’s a little traditional for Northern Star but I’ll check into the dates of the show to see if I can fit it in with the two shows I have planned. Sue, it’s funny you mention all the fabrics. I might make some different choices today – not sure if it would be an improvement or not, but I still like it after all these years. And really, it is amazing what we accomplished while spinning so many other plates!

  7. 7 Norma February 12, 2012 at 8:06 am

    There are plenty of traditional quilts at Norther Star. I think there is a category for Traditional Bed Quilts. Although If you had it quilted by someone else, it may have to go in that category.

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