Progress 10

The drywallers from the last post are NOT paid by the board. We met with the company owner today and he explained that they are paid by the job, so it was not to their drywalling stiltsadvantage to use up the boards. They did in fact do a very good job. The owner explained that with drywall, one can expect to “waste” 10%. If your job calls for 200 boards, there will be 20 in the dumpster (albeit in smaller pieces). This is “ok” since the joints are where failures will occur if they do, and the less joints, the less possibility for failures. I still think it is outrageous, but those are the facts. My apologies for maligning the drywallers.

With all those 90% boards hung, the tapers arrived today. I’m posting a picture of these cool drywalling stilts. They make hanging and taping ceilings much easier. I’ve watched them in use before and they are the coolest things, great for anyone who is height challenged but I imagine they take some getting used to. If I didn’t think I might end up in the emergency room, I’d be tempted to try them in the off hours.

1 Response to “Progress 10”

  1. 1 stephanie June 25, 2007 at 8:26 pm

    Hey – just stopped by and saw your new header. Nice!!!!! Are you painting that drywall yet? đŸ™‚

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