Spring sights

I’ve been inspired by my friend Norma’s blog with her pictures of the birds nesting on her front door and in her yard, inspired to take pictures of our nesters.

phoebe nestI’m thrilled to have a family of phoebes nesting in our woodshed.  It reminds me of the many years spent watching phoebes nesting on our front porch in Connecticut: two clutches per year, though the second clutch was usually a cowbird.  This new family started several nests and I thought they had chosen another site.  But I peeked in the full size nest today (after startling the sitter – didn’t realize she was there) and found five small white eggs.  The nest is overhead and close to the roof so I had to use a mirror to see inside.

The other nest we know of is in one of our four bluebird houses.  And it’s actually bluebirds!  How fun is that?  In past years they have nested in our neighbor’s yard.  It’s exciting to have them closer this time around.  They must have eggs because they are very protective when we come near the box.  I was getting buzzed by the male when I went out to see if I could get any pictures.  I decided not to bother them; I didn’t want them to desert the nest.

We also have some lovely things blooming in the yard:



Ladies Mantle – almost blooming

Ladies Mantle

Mountain Pinks (Creeping Phlox)

Mountain Pinks

1 Response to “Spring sights”

  1. 1 Norma June 20, 2009 at 6:32 pm

    Hi Lynne,
    Great nest shots. I just got back from my trip and Carolyn took pictures of my bird babies while I was away. I posted some on my blog today along with a few trip photo.

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